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Welcome to the first issue of this new magaZine.

For more information about this mag and their adorable editors have a look at page 3. But I suppose you dudes dont know how to get this page, so for all you lame freaks, here is a little help:

Use your sweaty joystick or the arrow keys on your slimy keyboard (Up and Down) to choose the wanted article. (Or use the numeric block.) If you finally managed to make the title of your article appear in the blue bar below, press the fire button or hit Return. And your article will appear in the big red section! Great, isn't? If your article is longer than two columns, you can scroll the page horizontally by your (sweaty) joystick or the arrow keys. (This article is only two columns long, idiot!) To exit this wonderful magazine get your fucking fingers on the keyboard and hit the three magic keys. (Or did you really think I did include any stupid "exit-are- you-sure-yes/no" function?)

The Accüsed/BRS

This article originally appeared in the Amiga diskmagazine "Zine #1" by Brainstorm 1989.

Some content may refer to activities that are illegal in some countries. BitFellas does not support such activity.
Addresses and other contact information were only valid when this magazine was originally published, in october of 1989.

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