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Interview With Spectre

Daredevil of SPECTRE has been interviewed for you by MAJESTIC of Brainstorm.

A few sentences about your group, and its past.
-Spectre was born in March 1989 since then the crew grew to 16 members! We have released about 10 demos and some intros. 2 first Cracks and a couple of musicdisks (own music of course). I would like to say that we're one of the top six in Sweden on the Amiga & we're top 5 in Europe in VHS-Swapping. We're also one of the few crews in Sweden who had have and has trouble with the police but I think we sorted that up now. For the moment we're into programming games! Yes we also have a contracts but I will not reveal the name of the softwarehouse!! We will of course continue our hacking buisiness as usually, but we need some fresh people thus most of our old members are working on games.

What's the aim of your group?
-Release new style of coding demos, intros etc.. (Newthinking) Release 100% cracks (as always by us!) for the public to enjoy + stay as number one on the VHS-Market. That means that we'll imporve our standard constantly!!

A few sentences about your local scene.
-Here in Sweden there are quite a lot of nice crews, but what is missing is a real 100% crew (Demos, cracks, trainers, modem etc..). My opinion about the top crew in Sweden is: 1) Defjam & CCS 2)This place ins't selfclear at the moment because a few crews can be No. 2 depending on what you look at (Coding, Cracking. Modem). Among these are NorthStar, Horizon, Fairlight, (Phenomena) and a few others I won't mention! I only want to add this that the Swedish are probably the best coders!! (Don't kill me Sharky! I also think that the Swedish scene is about to change dramaticly in a few months because we've a new copyright law and that means trouble!!

Your opinion about copy parties?
-The thought is okay but some crews shouldn't arrange these things. The whole idea of a "copy" party is far from true, but it's a fabulous opportunity for freaks to get known each other eye to eye so to speak. These new hacker meetings are a great idea but do they have a future?? No more comments.

What do you think about the police?
-They are only doing their job. No more comments.

Your favourite demos?
-Invitation demo by Spectre, Xenomorphs by Scoopex, Kefrens MD, Vectorscroll by Deathstar, Universal Pictures by Unique.

List us your favourite games:
-Xenon 2, Beast, Elite, Dungeon Master, Bloodwych, Blood Money, Test Drive 2, Bards Tale 2, Popolous, Sim. City

This article originally appeared in the Amiga diskmagazine "Zine #1" by Brainstorm 1989.

Some content may refer to activities that are illegal in some countries. BitFellas does not support such activity.
Addresses and other contact information were only valid when this magazine was originally published, in october of 1989.

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