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Demo Charts Infos
by Orlando of Brainstorm

About the demo charts

We try to give fair marks to the demos we received. But remember, we can't rate demos or intros, we didn't receive. So what about sending us demos from your or from other groups. As more demos we have, as more interresting it's to rate them. (for addresses look in the 'addresses' article).

This month, we got again another great demo from RSI. The decision, that this demo took the first place was quiet easy, because just everything is right: code, design and sound.

The intro chart was quiet more difficult, there are intros, which are super coded and have great graphics (scoopex...), but they have no sound, so we must give zero points for the sound, and this pulls down the overall impression. So if you write such good intros, include a sound! Ahhh and before I forget, the chart tables were constructed by Truxion. (only constructed, all members rate the demos!!!) All the best while reading the new charts of this issue wishes you:

This article originally appeared in the Amiga diskmagazine "Zine #4" by Brainstorm 1990.

Some content may refer to activities that are illegal in some countries. BitFellas does not support such activity.
Addresses and other contact information were only valid when this magazine was originally published, in april of 1990.

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