Wenn ich die Zeit finde werde ich auch mal ein paar Artikel schikken! Dann war noch da eine Sache mit them Swappen... ...Passt auf das Ihr nicht so werdet wie andere Mag's, indem Ihr Freephone-Numbers veroeffentlicht etc... Die Leute die so was suchen finden es auch!
A Letter from: Birdy of Disaster Area To: The entire Brainstorm Team. You have really achieved to be the best Disk-Mag. Cracker Journal is good, but your Userfriendliness is better and also the articles are better. Zine is more general, because it contains a lot of things. For example the Youth-Scene-Report or the Drug Reports, really good. If I have the time I will send you some articles! Then there was this thing about starting to swap... ...Watch out so that you wont become like many other Mags, dont publish Freephone-Numbers etc... The people who are looking for those things will also find them.
Original Letter in German, translated by Majestic/BRS.
This letter comes from Mr. Turnip of APEX: The last issue of ZINE was to some extent O.K., till my ad. The PLK was wrong. That means that my PLK hasn't got 7 numbers, just 6! Please publish my advertisement with my right address again...
At first, sorry to Turnip for the mistake. If there are any spelling-errors in the advetisement-corner, please send us a note. We will publish the advertisement of course again.
This letter was send to us by Dan Crowson from Brighton Illinois, USA: "... I just received Zine issue 4 and I have to say that I think it is the best disk magazine out. I especially like the articles in English! The last issue of the Cracker Journal I picked up was mostly written in German."
Dan Crowson
This article originally appeared in the Amiga diskmagazine "Zine #5" by Brainstorm 1990.
Some content may refer to activities that are illegal in some countries. BitFellas does not support such activity. Addresses and other contact information were only valid when this magazine was originally published, in june of 1990. Go back to articlelist |