---------------------------------- Looking for new Contacts & a good Sysop & a good modem trader. Write to: Dr.FeelGood of SCANEX Drantewuiksu 3 27237 Simrishamm Sweden ---------------------------------- For buying the latest wares write to: * V I S I O N F A C T O R Y * ------------------------ PLK 089165-C 2300 KIEL West Germany ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- S U P R E M E - - - - - - - - PLK 017655 D 8800 Ansbach West-Germany ---------------------------------- ////////////////////////////////// /// Contact Onyx /// /// /// /// For trading latest wares /// /// under PLK 060158 D /// /// 2842 Lohne /// /// F.R.G. /// ////////////////////////////////// ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- - For any reason contact KEFRENS - - (Only elite and disk-sendings) - - BOX 102 - 7800 Skive - DENMARK - ---------------------------------- WANNA SWAP WITH W A R F A L C O N S THEN WRITE TO THIS ADDRESS: CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN LYOVEJ 1 4200 SLAGELSE DENMARK BUT NO GLUED STAMPS PLEASE... ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- For any reason contact GALAXY of ALPHA FLIGHT: Hot swapping, modem- trading, etc. Write to: PLK 046 750 B - 5650 SOLINGEN 1 WEST GERMANY ---------------------------------- !ZYTAX!(((GREAT GERMANY)))!ZYTAX! We' re still searching for new members and contacts. Catch us under: JESTER, PLK055858 C, 2060 OLDESLOE JACKY, PLK146570 E, 7300 ESSLINGEN ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- HELVETICOM sFr.:US HST 9600 Externals 1365 : 989 Segate ST225,20Meg 515 : 375 Segate ST251-1, 40Meg 839 : 609 NEC CD ROM 800Meg 1470 : 1060 Prices include Shipping+Handling! 3.5" Disks 10 - sFr. 1.30/ 50 - sFr. 1.20 100 - sFr. 1.15/ 250 - sFr. 1.10 500 - sFr. 0.99/1000+ CALL "WE SELL WHAT YOU WANT TO BUY!" Shipping Fee per 100 Disks. Switzerland sFr. 5.- BRD/France/Austria/Itali sFr. 15.- Sweden/Finland/Daenemark sFr. 20.- Goods will be send on reception of money including the Shipping Fee. Tel : +41 61 477672 Fax : +41 61 475857 Modem: +41 61 477007 Mail : HELVETICOM P.O. Box 4102 Binningen 1 Switzerland ---------------------------------- **** FOR ELITE MAIL SWAPPING ***** * * * WRITE TO : * * BRAINSTORM * * P.O.BOX 71 * * 1162 ST-PREX * * SWITZERLAND * * * * LETTER + DISKS = ANSWER * * * * * * DO NOT STOP AT THE TOP FEEL * * THE POWER FELL BRAINSTORM * * BEFORE YOU DROP... * * * *** FOR ELITE MAIL SWAPPING ****** ********************************** * DEMO COMPILATION SWAPPER * * BRAINSTORM/Majestic * * P.O. Box 333 * * 4102 Binningen 1 * * Switzerland * * No Disk = No Answer * ********************************** ********************************** * DEMON & CO/ATOMIC YOUR FREE * * STUFF CONTACT US FOR SWAP OR * * BUY NO CONTACT US? ... * * THEN A BIG ERROR, SIR... * * ADDRESS: F.S. - 22, RUE PASTEUR* * 54000 NANCY - FRANCE * **********************************
This article originally appeared in the Amiga diskmagazine "Zine #5" by Brainstorm 1990.
Some content may refer to activities that are illegal in some countries. BitFellas does not support such activity. Addresses and other contact information were only valid when this magazine was originally published, in june of 1990. Go back to articlelist |