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Zine #2 on BitFellas

This magazine was originally published in a very specific form; a hardcoded diskmagazine which was never intended for distribution in any other form. Transforming it into an online form in which it was readable presented its own set of challenges. I had to opt to use the 'code' tag for the advertisements, since they rely heavily on a fixed-width char - and even this didn't do the job for all of them since apparently one of the control chars for this editor coincides with a very popular ascii character often used in advertisement ascii art at the time. These are the challenges you don't see coming in, but which jump out like interesting little hurdles in the road as you go along.

I did my best to make it look as good as possible.

All grammatical and spelling errors appeared in the original magazine, and fixing them would have been falsifying history. This is the original magazine's text, as it was, mostly complete and unabridged. There are a few articles in German in this magazine (you'll see them marked with (.de) in the index). Feel free to pm me if I screwed something up, I have a magic edit button at my disposal that can fix stuff.

BitFellas Online Edition Credits

Editing for the web by Menace.
Special thanks to Bpoint (who extracted the raw text), Axel (who encouraged and supported the project), to bitfather Alien (whose keen eyes spotted the mistakes I missed, and made it all possible) and to KF (for the kickass banners!)


Zine #2 (and the series page) on BitWorld
Zine #2 on Pouët
Zine #2 on Break's Amiga Demo Scene Collection
Zine #2 on DemoZoo

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